Sharini Kanni Suresh Babu

Thesis Title

Optical Properties of Impact Melt on the Moon

Current Degree

MSc Geology with specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration (2023-Present)

Past Degrees

  • BEng Geoinformatics – Institute of Remote Sensing, Anna University, Chennai (1029 – 2023) 


  1. Experiential Learning Opportunity – PLANETSCI 9605L funding (2024) 
  2. Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship (2023) 
  3. Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Award (2022)


  1. S. Tuhi, Harish, K. B. Kimi, K. Vigneshwaran, K. S. Sharini, R. K. S. Priya, S. Vijayan (2022) Ma’adim Vallis, Mars: Insights into episodic and late-stage water activity from an impact crater, Icarus, v387, 115214 

Conference Abstracts

  1. S. Vijayan, Harish, K.B. Kimi, S. Tuhi, K.S. Sharini, U. Thahira, C. Anil (2023) Floods and rapid snow melt carved crater on Mars, GSA’s Penrose Conference  
  2. K. S. Sharini, K. B. Kimi, Harish, S. Tuhi, R. K. S. Priya, S. Vijayan (2023) Geological evolution of Mare Nectaris: Insights from diverse degraded craters, Indian Planetary Science Conference 
  3. K. S. Sharini, K. B. Kimi, Harish, S. Tuhi, R. K. S. Priya, S. Vijayan (2023) Modification of Craters in Mare Nectaris on the Moon, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2555 
  4. K. S. Sharini and Osinski G.R. (2023) Impact Melt Distribution in Copernicus Crater on the Moon, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2176 
  5. K.B. Kimi, K.S. Sharini, Harish, S. Vijayan (2022) Spry region of the Mare Serenitatis basin: Posidonius crater and surroundings, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 
  6. S Tuhi, Harish, KB Kimi, K.S. Sharini, R.K.S Priya, S Vijayan (2022) Superposed Impact Craters with Fluvial Deposits in North West of Hellas Basin, Mars, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 
  7. S. Tuhi, Harish, K.B. Kimi, K. Vigneshwaran, K.S.  Sharini, R.K.S. Priya, S. Vijayan (2022) Ma’adim Vallis, Mars: Insights into late-stage water activity in an impact crater through fluvial deposits, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1142