Planetary Geology

I am particularly interested in the evolution of planetary surfaces. One of my main areas of research focuses on understanding impact cratering as a planetary geological process. My research on the tectonics of impact crater formation, the generation of impact melts, emplacement of ejecta, and post-impact processes such as impact-associated hydrothermal activity and intra-crater sedimentary deposits, has resulted in the publication of dozens of peer-reviewed publications over the past several years. Much of this research has involved taking an in-depth look at well-known and well-studied terrestrial impact structures, such as the Haughton impact structure, Canada, and the Ries impact structure, Germany. An underlying theme guiding the majority of my research on impact craters is the influence of target properties (i.e., the presence of sedimentary versus crystalline rocks) on the impact cratering process.

This work on impact craters has culminated in the recent publication of a new book “Impact Crater: Processes and Products”, published by Wiley Blackwell.

In addition to my main research topic of impact cratering, I am particularly interested in using terrestrial analogues to better interpret the observed geomorphological attributes of Mars. Currently, I am investigating the development of glacial and periglacial landforms, gullies, and valley networks in the Canadian Arctic, and comparing these features with high-resolution images of similar landforms on Mars.

