Mackenzie Russell

Thesis Topic

The topic of my thesis is to characterize the melt and melt bearing breccias produced after impact at Brent Crater, Ontario, by determining the mineralogical, geochemical, and petrographic properties of cores drilled from the crater.

Current Degree:

  • M.Sc. Candidate in Geophysics with Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Science and Exploration (Western University, 2023 – Present)

Past Degrees:

  • B.Sc. (Honours) in Earth Science with a Concentration in Geophysics and a Minor in Physics (Carleton University, 2019 – 2023)


  • Entrance scholarship to Carleton University (2019)
  • Scholarship to Collins School for Earth Sciences, Carleton University (2019)
  • Dean’s List at Carleton University in Earth Sciences (2019, 2022)
  • Invited to apply for the Dean’s Summer Research Internship Program (2020)
  • NSERC USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Award), Carleton University (2022)
  • Trevor A. Harwood Scholarship, Carleton University (2022-2023)