Ananya Srivastava

Research Interests/Current Research

Planetary Remote Sensing, Visible – Infrared spectroscopy, Lunar & Martian geology (mineralogy and morphology), Impact cratering, Extraterrestrial Volcanism

Current Degree:

  • Ph.D. in Geology (Collaborative Specialization in Planetary Sciences & Exploration)

Past Degrees:

  • M.Tech. in Remote Sensing and GIS (Specialization in Geosciences) (2021 – 2023)
      • Thesis Title: “Geological Investigation of Mare Smythii on the Moon using high – resolution data”
  • M.Sc. in Geology – Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (2019 – 2021)
      • Thesis Title: “Environmental Magnetism analysis of Arctic sediments: a tool for past climatic inferences.”
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) in Geology – Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow (2016 – 2019)
      • Project Title: “Temporal Variation of Atmospheric Pollutants in Kanpur.”

Technical Experience:

      • Jumping
      • Jacks


      • 2024: Keith and Cathy Gibbons Global Opportunities Award
      • 2021 – 2023: Golden Jubilee Fellowship
      • 2022: All India Rank – 105 GATE (Geomatics Engineering)
      • 2020: All India Rank – 52 CSIR-NET (Earth Sciences)


      • Srivastava A., Tornabene L.L., Osinski G.R., Caudill C.M., Fawdon P., Grindrod P., Hauber E., Davis J., Pajola M., Soukup M.A., & Rangarajan V. G. (2024) Reconstruction of the subsurface stratigraphy of the ExoMars Oxia Planum landing site through investigations of exposed bedrock within crater walls. Xth International Mars Conf.
      • Srivastava A., Osinski G.R., Tornabene L.L. & Rangarajan V.R. (2024) Investigation of the presence of volatiles at the Artemis 3 candidate landing sites with the Chandrayaan – 2 Imagining Infrared Spectrometer. 55th LPSC (1449)
        Singh A.P., Chauhan M., Sur K., Srivastava A., Chauhan P., Sharma R. U. (2023) Machine learning based approach on PRISMA data for Mapping Nidar ophiolites, Ladakh. Current Science, Vol. 125 No. 06
      • Srivastava A. & Chauhan M. (2023) Geological Investigation of Mare Smythii using Hi-Res data. IIRS Academia Meet – 2023 – Conference Abstract
      • Srivastava A., Chauhan M. (2023) Mare Smythii: A detailed look at the Eastern Edge of the Moon using high–resolution data. 54th LPSC (2338) – Conference Abstract
      • Srivastava A. and Singh A.P. (2022) Utilization of VIRTIS Data for detection of potential Venusian active volcanism and noise–removal algorithms for VIRTIS using Machine Learning. 20th VEXAG, 8028. – Conference Abstract
      • Srivastava A., Singh A. P., Chauhan M., Chauhan P. (2022) Site Suitability analysis for prospective landing sites near lunar poles. 3rd IPSC (Pg. 100) – Conference Abstract
        Srivastava A., Singh A. P. (2022) Site Suitability Analysis for prospective lunar colonies using various DEM derivatives and lava tubes identified using Machine learning. 53rd LPSC (2281) – Conference Abstract